Media and Communications
Communicating through visual imagery, both static and time-based, is a passion of mine. This form of communication makes information accessible and comprehensible to global audiences.Through photography, videography, and the editing of content with programs such as Adobe Suite, I have been able to successfully communicate science and art to local community groups and larger audiences.
Graphic Design
As the Outreach & Communications Specialist, I connect with ALLARM’s volunteers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, the Dickinson College Community, and ALLARM’s broader network to share information regarding our partnerships and events. I also design ALLARM publications pertaining to our mission of educating, engaging and empowering our volunteer water quality monitors participating in citizen science. This year, I look to make a variety of videos outlining how to use the equipment ALLARM loans to its volunteers to test water quality parameters like conductivity, pH, nitrate-nitrogen, orthophosphate, and etc. Both brand and climate awareness will also be pursued by bringing environmental concerns to local attention. Moreover, engaging with undergraduate students and community members in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and beyond brings me joy and encouragement within the field of citizen science.
Digital Imaging
Diatom Dogs (2019.)
Plagioclase Fears (2019.)
Raw Photography
Harajuku Sammy (2019.)